Saturday, December 02, 2006

December 2nd - 143 Days to Marathon - Hill Session

Our wedding presents arrived this morning so it was like Xmas come early...apart from the 13 empty boxes we then had to shift out of the flat. Quite were we're going to store everything I don't know but dang I can't see the skirting boards again for clutter!!

Spent most of the day unpacking but was promised time off by Janeywife to go and have a little run. 90 mins later I came back after a lovely mdeium paced run across Regents Park to Primrose Hill and 5 good strong reps up the long drag slope. Beautiful day, lots of people out. Regents Park has had lots of work done to it and their is now a sports facitility in the middle with football pitches and belssed relief taps with drinking water. I've tried carrying water on a hip slung bottle but regardfless of how ergonomically placed it is, it still feels awkward and unnatural.

Legs felt good, no niggles, especially around lower leg bones and was able to push using core ab muscles. I think the hill training is briging out new muscle groups that I wouldn't otherwise use to run with. Came back glowing to find Janeywife exercising the hoover. Good girl.