Monday, December 04, 2006

December 4th - 141 Days to Marathon - fartlek 3 parks session

Left work on 5.30 on the dot and cracked on home to stretch and change before an eagerly anticipated 3 parks fartlek session. The change in session planning into every other day, or 4 runs a week is really paying dividends already - I feel refreshed and strong each recovery day and by the time of the run I'm ready to go.

Fartlek session started only once I'd warmed up, about 15 mins into the run. By this time I was already down on the Mall which was relatively quiet however my fartlek session turned into a fast paced 25 min run with slight recovery sessions along the way to catch my breath. felt really good and I need to consult the Oracle Thomas about whether or not this qualifies as proper fartlek training. Queen still in at BP with her Royal Standard flying high. Temperature still relatively mild so stripped off gloves as pace increased. Lots of fast runners around, it was like ewveryone out last night was either fartlekig or full pace short distancing.

Received confirmation of no ballot place, fortunately I have my Children with Leukaemia place - have contacted work about fundraising .