Had Thursday night out for birthday celebrations and spent friday shaking both hangover and digesting the entire thai menu I seemed to plough through. Still, 2 days off have helped and had really pleaseant run with minor niggles for good 80 mins.
Found pace increasing over distance and although I was trying to take it easy I started to push myself to a point where I was breathing hard and clippling along very nicely.
Run took me to the Mall via Hyde and Green Parks, before heading down Northumberland Ave to the river. Crossed over to the London Eye and weaved in and out of the tourons prior to pushing up the south side past Lambeth to Chelsea bridge. Back past the lister and the barracks up to Sloane Square and then towards Hyde Park again before settling back off the pace to recover as I cooled down towards home. All very civilised. Didn't time myself as i wanted to do this at my pace and just enjoy the distance, which worked - 9 miles.
Lifed knee weights once home to recover the right knee and then crashed on the floor with my feet up for a hour. Roast, on a saturday. Crazy nights in with Janey wife and series 1-3 of 24. I love it!