Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Buy Shares in Petroleum jelly - Jan 15th 83 mins - 96 days to marathon

A leg stretcher. Plodded for nearly an hour and a half.

Invest in Petroleum - thats my advice!! The amount of Petroleum based vaseline I'm getting through is remarkable. Every crack (sorry, but true) and crevice and then the most important areas, nipples! Although the twins will never ever serve any practical purpse (unless I become a twisted sadist fetishist!!) these are the two other areas of my body (other than my legs) which get the VIP pre-run treatment.

Stop reading now if you don't want a nasty fact.

When I supported Bison's 06 Marathon effort there were wave after wave of runners pass, and the ones that stood out in the continuous drizzle were the ones with long red streaks running down there shirts starting, yep, at thier nipples.

There is one significant truism here for marathon runners. Look after your nipples and your nipples will look after you.

10k race on Sunday with the running gurus Bison and Neal. I'm in good shape. Well, good enough shape to plod around a 10k hilly and no doubt water soaked Epsom cross country course.