Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Jan 3rd Gentle 40 mins re-test - 108 days to marathon

My knee, specifically my left knee exploded on Dec 21st. There was therefore only one thing for it and that was to rest over Xmas. Rest and eat. And eat, and eat and eat....

After a final blow out on New Years eve I climbed on the scales and slowly felt my jaw drop as the needle rapidly swung clockwise towards 13, 14 and then finally coming to rest on 15 stone.

Apart from eating there has been one other Xmas preoccupation - knee repair. I've spent two weeks working through a succession of knee exercises and I'm confident that todays run, altough minor is the first step back towards the marathon.

40 mins around the park. I felt every step ripple through the xmas waist tyre but the good news was no knee pain. I'm now planning to run every other night but at my pace, I'm no fast runner but I do have the stamina for a marathon, now its case of building it and focusing on duration not speed around the course.