Saturday, April 14, 2007 just in...₤2000 HIT!!!!!.....tea-dancing-reaction...


I've just done a little private dance in the lounge. A dance by a man in pyjamas with tea in hand checking email, newsfeeds, blog, etc and I dscovered a donation to take me squarely onto target. With Bullseye fundraising accuracy!!

I don't even care that I've slopped my tea on the carpet. Celebratory dances are spontaneous in this household and if the carpet is a casualty of hitting two thousand pounds, then so be it!!

Although its listed as anonymous on the donation page, a little bird told me that Dad and Carole have topped off the quiznight fundrasier and ploughed me onto target with a very generous ₤126!!

So far I've avoided banging on about fundraising on the blog, its been a journey shared focusing on the miles not the money but this is a post I've been looking forwards to making.

Hitting ₤2k underlines two important facts. 1. Now I have to get round the course, if it requires belly crawling over the line, then it is now so. 2. This has been made possible by YOU.

Friends, friends of friends, colleagues (friends as soon as I'm out of the door 26th April!) and of course family and family friends, this is a reflection of your hard work and readiness to dig deep.

I'd like to thank everyone who has donated. I'm honoured, but more importantly, you as readers, supporters and donors have helped save future children's lives and fund raised in memory of my childhood friend.

I thank you. NC. April 14th 2007.