Thursday, November 23, 2006

November 23nd - 150 Days to Marathon - Hill session

Made it up to Primrose Hill for my first replacement sprint session - decided that if I can build endurance via hill sessions and speed via fartlek training then I will still get faster, whilst increasing overall endurance. Run through Regents park at night was a little hairy as I don't know the paths in the dark and am always concerned that a missed step here or there will result in a sprain or twist to undo the good training work. Lighting is OK bar the inner cirle where some lights out. Primrose hill by contrast very good. Unlocked park at night also a benefit with good lighting. Nice long drag up the hill to summit, probably about 220m long graddually increasing incline with smooth tarmac. Non runners will think this an odd observation but it really is nice to be running on a goodd surface, especially uphill, in the dark.

Did 4 reps, gradually building speed on each and with a recovery jog back down. Good hard work but not killer. Felt great running home but didn't over reach, tried to maintain good pace without over cooking it. Rest day tomoorrow.