Saturday, November 25, 2006

November 25th - 149 Days to Marathon - Fartlek 45mins

Again visited the queen tonight. Short blog as I'm watching TV whilst trying to edit the wedding shots. Discovered we'd won £53 on the lottery with 4 numbers, got pretty excited as first 4 numbers out of Merlin were ours but alas, the gravy train stopped a station short of lifelong lounging. hey ho. Fartlek went well, I've started only doing the fartlek once I'm feeling warm, so after 20 mins I then did 20mins fartlek home. I'm not sure if this is matching my training log requirements but still, i'd rather run longer later in the program after warming up, rather that fartlek too early and strain something. Max effort was only about 70% so maybe I could up this on the fartlek but i'm still sold on settling into it gradually.