Tuesday, November 28, 2006
November 28th - 147 Days to Marathon - Fartlek Session 30mins
Ran a hard fatlek session around Hyde Park. Kensignton Gardens now shut early before I get home from work so its just in Hyde park but this is quite a good space to run fartlek as i there are plently of lamp posts to measure distances with. Ran for 20 mins after 10 min warm up jog probably hitting 85% effort on the fartlek. hard work but I think the hill sessions are starting to benefit. rain dried up and probably over dressed as sweated like a fat gal in a cake shop but irrespective still felt good. Stretched out for a good period aftrerwards as the speed work is what normally does the most damage. Salad and pizza for dinner and could have eaten Janeywifes too of she hadn't kept me at bay with a sharp fork. Creme Caramel for desert with a litre of water to replace the fat gal cake shop problem.