With running Guru's Athers and Bison b4 cross country 10K race
Have been decidedly off running for a couple of days. Have spent the weekend sleeping and am only just starting to feel better. The last 2 weeks of trips to Barcelona and Amsterdam, combined with day-to-day juggling of business out of the office in addition to entertaining clients has left me feeling as if I'm running on empty, topping up the tank with food and alcohol instead of rest and exercise.
Managed to get a solid 12 hrs sleep last night and for the first time felt strong enough to get back into trainers and head out for an hour minimum. Its incredible how quickly suppleness can disappear over a week, being replaced by lethargy which perpetuates in a reduced desire to go running. I've definitely been tripped up by having my schedule played around with, however the good news is that now through until the end of March I've no business trips scheduled. I'm looking forwards to climbing back onto a structured regimen of sleep, work, exercise, diet and recovery.
Today I ran for an hour and felt good throughout - I think much of this reflective of good strong legs combined with plenty of rest over the weekend as well as eating like a hungry horse.
Looking forwards to building towards the 3hour run next weekend / following weeks long run. Have a race to look forwards to on March 11th - 10K road race, will be interested to see how my current 43min PB fares.
Come home and stretched like its going out of fashion.