Saturday, February 03, 2007

Half Marathon - Feb1st - 115 mins - 78 days to marathon

I knew what was coming Thursday p.m. after spending the week looking forwads to pushing towards the 2 hour mark.
Mental preparation involved knowing what I was going to wear, where my route was to take me, and how to judge he temperature whilst walking back from work - (cloudy/overcast and still being mild, versus a clear and windy sky which would be pretty chilly).
A two hour run wold take a large chunk out of my evening so I'd also planned time to be home in order to get back at a respectable hour.

As with the best of plans, unfortunately Thursday work went on for 90 minutes longer than expected, throwing a spanner shaped curve ball into my nicely plotted evening.

Janeywife was out with work girls so not having to worry about missing the evening together helped work around the 90 min delay. Left home at 8pm instead of 6.30pm slathered up and with a full waterbottle strapped around my waist. This has become a mandatory for each long run as the water at hand throughout is not only an essential for hydration, but also good practice at taking on board liquid whilst running.

Did my regular long run route but tacked on a leisurely one mile detour down to Waterloo bridge and then back up the south bank, and a loop of Battersea Park, taking me back up Kings Road instead of straight onto Sloane Square, back around Hyde Park and home.

Felt good for the duration - I'm not going to kid anyone, especially myself - I'm still concerned about my knees as they were quite sore upon return, with the last mile requiring an 'ignore the pain' label throughout. I think they solely swell, and aren't damaged, irrespective,I'm hoping that the regular strengthening exercises combats future problems.

However, sore or not, 115 mins is a good climb from 95mins - I'm pleased with my progression. I'm looking to add another 20mins on next Thursday - taking me over two hours and beyond the half way distance mark. I'm a little concerned that the 13 mile run took me 1hr 55 mins - I'd like to shave 10mins off this to ensure a sub 4hr marathon. I'm hoping that as I increase the miles my half marathon time will improve too.

Home for a shower, stretch and soup before falling into bed and asleep before head hit pillow.