Orlando is HOT! Dang! I bought my water bottle and ran for 75 mins and even in the sun with my top off (concur not the nicest vision of under exposed whiteness) to help keep cool I still ran more like a tap than a marathon runner. I hope and pray that summer arrives in the UK post April 22nd and that at the expense of marathon supporters, the runners can benefit from a nice wet, grey day keeping temperatures down.
Gav (Informa Colleague) is also out here at CTIA and preparing for the marathon with his 3 hr training run co-inciding with the trip - he graciously invited me along but for a raft of good reasons I had to decline.
Why - Primarily, when I run I love to run alone. Its hard enough monitoring breathing without trying / feeling obliged to make conversation. (Sorry Gav -I'm not saying you're boring, I'm just a running introvert!)
Secondly, when I do one of my long runs I need to mentally mark significant milestones, 5 miles / 10 miles / 13miles / 18 miles. The only way I can do this is to run a route I know and one which I've mapped out using a fantastic mapping/mileage application based around google maps.
Thirdly - I need to know where I can pick up water en-route. I didn't bring my isotonic drinks powder (have you ever tried coming through customers with 3 table spoons of white powder in a freezer bag?) or my post run protein drinks, and finally, I need a day off to go and run 3 hours / 20 miles. Its not just the 3 hours on your feet, its the writing off a whole day to prepare before hand and then recover post.
There, that's my raft of excuses. I'm also buy riding roller-coasters, dining out with colleagues and pressing flesh with the telecoms industry. Next big run is April the 1st - fools day for some but 20 miles and no fooling around for me.