See 205th for me, 12th for Swifty (living up to his name and greyhound on crystal Meth impression), 81st for Neal, 248th for Bison and 267th for Mrs Iona Neal who came nowhere near kicking Bison's arse. (E&O - addendum Friday 16th March - my blog stated I came 105th when it should have stated 205th - thanks to Bison for politely pointing out my charlatan grandiosity)
Ran round Wimbledon for 10k race including a lap of the common, with a long climb and fast descent.
Arrived early and warmed up, had an early breakfast after leaving Janeywife in bed (admittedly it was Sunday morning and I was out by 7.15am!). Hit the spaghetti house last night and loaded up on carbs. Not sure if it properly served its purpose as still woke up feeling somewhat heavy!
Felt OK before starting, but once started I struggled hard all the way around. Warm and sunny race conditions not ideal, much prefer cold/wet, no watering stops placed around the course so not as refreshing a race as could have been.
Ran a respectable time (46:47) but still 3 minutes slower than the last flat 10K race I ran in 2000. Faster than the Jan Epsom 10k but that was cross country.
Normally I'm just starting to warm up at 46 minutes into a run.
Its one thing training for a 4 hour race, its an entirely different story training for a comparative 10K sprint. If I'm going to run 10K races then I need to drop a stone, or 3.
Currently I'm built for comfort, not speed, more St.Bernard and less whippet.