I'm back!
16.5 miles in 2hrs 25 mins.
No pain other than sore knees Monday am. but good strength at the end of the run.
Bought myself protein drink mix for post runs, energy gels for consumption during runs and isotonic mix for pre and during runs. Started taking Glucosamine Sulphate for my joints and although this may be partialy psychosomatic, I'm confident all helps in some way, shape or form.
Sunday 11th is a 10k race but next Sunday 18th I'm looking to hit my 20 mile 3 hr mark. Bring it on.
16.5 miles in 2hrs 25 mins.
No pain other than sore knees Monday am. but good strength at the end of the run.
Bought myself protein drink mix for post runs, energy gels for consumption during runs and isotonic mix for pre and during runs. Started taking Glucosamine Sulphate for my joints and although this may be partialy psychosomatic, I'm confident all helps in some way, shape or form.
Sunday 11th is a 10k race but next Sunday 18th I'm looking to hit my 20 mile 3 hr mark. Bring it on.